Making the animatic, was actually quite a long task overall. We started by drawing our storyboards, so we had every shot. Then we cut the storyboard up, in order to have the individual shots. We then pinned them up on a wall and shot each piece of the storyboard for 10 seconds, in order to ensure we had sufficient material for the animatic itself.
In terms of editing I also think we worked quite well together. This time we had a better structure to it, because we put our shots into two bins, 'Narrative' and 'Performance' (as shown on the left). We then also labelled the individual narrative shots, in order to make everything easier to find. Then once we had gotten the music onto final cut, we started setting the markers on the beats (as shown on the right). This took way too long I found, as our song is actually 3 minutes and 50 seconds, and labelling every fourth beat takes up a lot of time. I am however glad we did it, as it made the overall editing process easier, especially once we started putting the shots together. Putting the shots together was just like editing any video, where we had to be careful how much performance aspect there was compared to the narrative, and whether everything was in proportion. One problem we had when we were editing, was that we noticed that we were missing quite a few detail shots, which we didn't storyboard, but which would make the video more interesting. So we noted those down and used text over the shots at times, to illustrate the missing shots.
Once we had shot the pictures, they were uploaded onto the computer and along with our music, we started editing them together. This was quite a basic task of putting the images in the order in which we wanted to have them in the real thing, and timing it with the music. So you can't say that the task was difficult it just took a very long time.
I thought, as a group we worked very efficiently when shooting the storyboards, and we got it done pretty quickly. I just think that we could have worked a bit better in terms of organization, since it took quite a while to get each shot up and focus and frame it.

So overall I think that doing the animatic was extremely useful, mainly because it showed us which shots we needed to include when shooting, which therefore helps us to schedule our shooting day and it also showed us that we will need to start the 'electric feel' section earlier on, in order to make the video more exciting.
This is a screen recording, from when we edited our animatic:
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